How To Make Luigi Figurine With Air Dry Clay
We just have to make Luigi figurine! Otherwise, our Mario Bros clay character figurines will not be completed :)
Luigi is a younger twin brother of Mario who is thinner and taller.
We use store bought air dry clay for this project. Of course you can use homemade clay if you like. If you are new to clay craft and not sure which clay to buy, please visit our "what clay to buy" page before buying the clay.
Let's have fun together.
Steps to make Luigi figurine:
We'll have to mix primary clay colors to make dark blue, lime green and brown clay here (unless you've already have that colors).
- For dark blue, we use blue clay mix with a pinch of black.
- For lime green, we use yellow clay with a pinch of blue.
- For brown, we use red clay with a pinch of yellow and black.
We could tell you the size of the clay mixture we use but I think not all of you have clay color mixing ruler, so feel free to mix the color until you are happy with it.
- First of all, knead your brown clay well and roll it to a ball shape. Then, change it to an oval shape and press it lightly between your thumb and index finger. You have the shoes now.
- Roll your dark green clay to a pipe shape, cut to two equal length and tapered the top part.
- Insert toothpick to the legs (if necessary) and then attach the shoes to the legs. Leave these in room temperature until it's dry. It's important to make sure the shoes and legs dry because this will support the body and head. The whole figurine will collapse when you paste the body to the legs that still soft.
- Next, roll your lime green clay to a ball shape then change it to teardrop shape. Flatten the tip of the teardrop, cut in the middle and shape it to form the arms. Position the arms to your liking. Leave it to dry.
- Then, take your dark blue clay again, make a ball shape, flatten it and wrap the bottom part of the body.
- Add the strap on the shoulder and the yellow button.
- Paste this to the legs.

Head/ face is the most important part of the figurine. Your Luigi will not look like him if you don't make it right :)
In fact, our figurine was not 100% look like him - everyone has their own style anyway, right? But, at least you will recognize it as him.
- Roll your skin color clay to a ball then an oval shape.
- Lightly press the eyes area with your index finger.
- Take a small piece of ball shape clay, paste it on the mouth area and then use your clay knife to make a line in the middle. You'll have upper and lower lips now.
- Then, make the eyes, moustache, nose and hair following the above picture.
Lastly, you have to make his hat with famous initial from lime green color. You'll see that we make the cap from half of round clay shape.
That's it! our Luigi figurine is done.
Basically, we have the mighty pair, Mario & Luigi now.
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